Of course, there are lots of 'things' out there that can dampen one's morale. 'Things' that can foster the 'second best' mentality in one's mind. 'Things' that can make one accept the unsavoury taste of inferiority. Such 'things' include circumstances that leaves outstanding - and possibly, lasting - impression in one's life or on one's mind. Such circumstances may constitute some reality that can not be dismissed with a wave of hand. Such circumstances - as undesirable as they may prove to be - constitutes realities that are integral part of one's existence. Circumstances that appear to continually stare one right in the eyes. Circumstances that constitutes one's everyday reality.  Circumstances that one would love to have removed but which one seem helpless in the face of.

Not only do such 'things' prove persistent, they tend to become quite overwhelming. In fact, such 'things' may overshadow other meaningful factors in one's life. That some reality proves outstanding or overwhelming over others is not an issue. Which reality has overriding influence in one's life? Which reality proves strong enough to undermine the effect (negative effect in particular) of other realities in one's life?

An individual once asked his friend, "Friend, how come despite all the social problem that put individuals like you at a disadvantaged end......., how come you still manage to be on top of things? You don't look to me like someone who is being adversely affected by notorious social factors that beset lots of folks. You seem to be able to keep your head above water. In fact, you appear to be walking on water. You don't look drowned my friend. You don't even look like someone who is conscious of certain besetting factors. You seem unmoved and unruffled or something."

FRIEND: Well, like an average person, I do have what can be considered besetting factors. Let's just say, the problems before me is nothing compared to the power behind me.

INDIVIDUAL: Yeah, what is that all about?

FRIEND: I mean even though besetting factors are as realistic in my life and circumstances as they are in the lives of others; however, they are not allowed to rise beyond the level of awareness. Such realities fades in comparison to a higher or bigger reality. You may call it delusion or whatever. God and His word constitutes a bigger reality in my life. Whatever occupies the largest spot among the realities in your life will determine your perception. Whatever constitutes your perception is capable of shaping your destiny - be it in a beneficial or in an adverse way. Other besetting factors don't characterize my mentality the way the LORD and His word does. Who the LORD is, what He is capable of doing in and with my life, His words of promises, the guidance and leadership of His Spirit spells REALITY in block letters. You see all those other factors, let's just say the form of realities they constitute are spelt in lower case letters ......

God bless

Adekunle O. Majek'
Of impact, quality and excellence
        That's the Spirit!

P.S.: I believe that the LORD has used this piece to minister to you. Why not share it with others.

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