It is pointed out that Satan approached the Most High God, and petitioned Him regarding Job.

   "When the day came for the heavenly beings to appear before the LORD, Satan was there among them...... Satan replied, "Would Job worship you if He got nothing out of it? You have always protected him and his family and everything he owns. You bless everything He does and You have given him enough cattle to fill the whole country. But now suppose You take away everything he has - he will curse You to Your face!" (Job 1:9-10)
If you think Satan stopped with the first approach, guess again.
    "When the day came for the heavenly beings to appear before the LORD again, Satan was there among them..... Satan replied, "A man will give up everything in order to stay alive. But now suppose You hurt his body - he will curse You to Your face!" (Job 2:1,4-5).

Satan, who is also referred to in the scriptures as accuser of the brethren, loves approaching God for permission to take cheap shot at His children. Were you thinking it was only Job that Satan targeted? How about Joshua the high priest?
    "And he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him." (Zechariah 3:1)
Satan was more or less trying to give God reason to believe that he should be allowed to inject trauma into Job's peaceful life. If Satan or anyone operating under his influence petitions a believer, the LORD might allow the forces of evil to have their way if a counter-petition is not advanced to Him. As God's child, believer in Christ Jesus for that matter, you have the right to counter any petition any being (be it spirit being or human) may advance against you. Before God, a counter-petition can weaken the legitimacy of any petition advanced against you. You can counter-petition it in prayer. Don't just leave it like that. Say something to God about it.

Satan was referred to in the scriptures as the prince of this world. He is the prince of darkness. How he got the title prince of this world is no secret. Satan, whose angelic name is Lucifer, was the archangel who mobilized about one-third of angels in heaven to rebel against God. As a result of his defeat, the Most High God kicked out of His heavenly presence, and sent him down to earth. The earth is like Satan's playing field. Imagine a man living with his sons in a house or apartment with many rooms. Even though the man own the domicile, and his authority extends over every room in the house, yet he may allow section of the house to be used as playing room or games room. The sons may move as they deem fit in wherever space he allots to them. But that does not in anyway imply ownership or absolute authority on the part of the boys. The boys may have some degree of autonomy but the man's authority can override those of the boys as he deems fit. In other words, Satan may be deemed ruler of this world, and he gets to manipulate human circumstances through his demons, he is still very much subject to God's authority. Why do you think Satan is referred to as the prince of this world? Is it because God relinquished earth to him completely? Is it because God entered a deal with Satan, and the former sold earth to the latter? Is it because the earth no longer falls within God's domain? Contrary to any of these guesses, Satan is given authority over the earth but God's authority spans the whole universe - earth inclusive. Satan, his demons, his human instruments, all spirit beings, all human beings, and earth itself have the same thing in common - they all fall within the jurisdiction of God's domain, control, ownership, rule and monitoring. Being referred to as the prince of this world does not mean God sold earth off to Satan like an unwanted property. It does not mean that God has no more authority on earth. It is not like Satan can do anything to keep him in check. Satan is not sovereign. Only the Most High God is sovereign. You may want to see it this way: Satan's world is still part of God's universe. Keep in mind that Satan could not attack Job without first approaching God. It is after the consent is given that he can use his demons to operate through diverse means and media.

God accomplish some of His purposes through His Spirit working through human instruments. Satan likewise attempts to accomplish some his sinister missions through human instruments. Satan can work through spirit beings (demons). He can get these demons to operate through the human spirits of witches or Satanists. He can also get demons to put negative ideas in the minds of an average human being; these ideas are hardly ever discerned as having its origin from forces of darkness as they are usually injected into the realm of thought. Just because Satan can manipulate the circumstances of mankind through his activities does not mean you are completely helpless. God is still very much involved in the management of the affairs of human beings.
    "The earth is the LORD's and the fullness thereof."

All creation of God is subject to His power and control. What tied all beings to God's authority is existence. If spirit beings or human beings do not exist in the first place, then they may not claim to be subject to God's authority. Once a being is brought into existence by God (regardless of what authority such being may wind up welding), its activity is subject to God's approval or disapproval. Everything in existence falls within God's domain regardless of whatever status, title or authority anything in existence may have. You can use this as a basis to advance a counter-petition before the throne of God. God has the ultimate and final authority. Feel free to approach His throne with confidence through the blood of Jesus. You want to move God? You really want to move God, don't you? Well, here is a tip: don't just enter His presence with plenty of repetitive prayers of supplication; rather, cultivate the habit of approaching Him with plenty of praise and worship - even if you are alone by yourself, what difference does it make before God?
   "In the presence of God there is fullness of joy; and on His right hand treasures for evermore."

Approach God boldly with all confidence through the blood of Jesus. Satan may have some authority and status. He is the prince of this world. He rules over a vast kingdom of darkness and principalities. True. He can manipulate the affairs of humanity through his demons, witches, Satanists, and what have you. True. Despite these facts, he is part of God's creation that the Most High God welds absolute and unquestionable authority over. You've got yourself a reasonable and legitimate ground that is acceptable before God to advance a counter-petition. In the presence of God, you can intensify the strength of your case by using quotes and passages from the scriptures.


You know those instances when it seems as if the LORD is not watching us when we do some things or when some things happen? We may think that He is not watching us, but He is watching His time. Who doesn't know that sooner than later, when His time is up, He will make His move, set us right with Him, and implement His will.
  "A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: I the LORD will hasten it in his time." (Isaiah 60:22)

God Bless

Adekunle O Majek'
H I A F E M  
Of impact, quality and excellence
        That's the Spirit!

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